ACES Introductory Certificate in Editing — Final Assessment


ACES Introductory Certificate in Editing — Final Assessment

You’re almost there! By passing this final assessment, you’ll earn your introductory editing certificate from Poynter and ACES: The Society for Editing! 

Please note: If you’ve stumbled on this final assessment while looking for the ACES homepage, please go here.

Start Anytime


  • Complete this final assessment to earn the most respected and thorough editing certificate available online.
  • Passing this component means you’ll have passed the first of three levels in our certification program.
  • This assessment consists of 10 questions, which you’ll have 30 minutes to complete.
  • You must pass with a score of 80% or higher.
  • You will have three attempts to pass.
  • Use the information you’ve gleaned from this entire course to push through to the finish!


Learning Outcomes

Throughout the ACES Introductory Certificate in Editing, you will have:

  • Recognized the fundamentals of editing: improving clarity, spotting inaccuracies and improving writer relations
  • Understood the value of clarity, and how to tighten and brighten copy across platforms
  • Predicted the ways in which the human brain allows errors to seep in, and how to guard against them
  • Learned to verify and fact-check information online, and how to avoid falling for mis- and disinformation
  • Developed an eagle eye for headlines, photo captions, social media descriptions and other often overlooked words
  • Demonstrated a greater understanding of grammar, word use and style.



  • Complete this final assessment to earn the most respected and thorough editing certificate available online.
  • Passing this component means you’ll have passed the first of three levels in our certification program.
  • This assessment consists of 10 questions, which you’ll have 30 minutes to complete.
  • You must pass with a score of 80% or higher.
  • You will have three attempts to pass.
  • Use the information you’ve gleaned from this entire course to push through to the finish!

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The ACES Introductory Certificate in Editing — a rigorous seven-part course — culminated with this final assessment. Questions will ranges from basics on clarity and verification to deeper looks on how errors get inserted into copy and how to fact-check online content. Newly revised and updated for 2023, this course drew together knowledge from some of the nation’s leading editors, fact-checkers and academics. This is the last step on your quest to becoming a world-class editor. 


If you need assistance, email us at

Before taking this final assessment, you should double-check that you’ve already taken the following bundled courses as part of your introductory editing certification:

  • Fundamentals of Editing
  • The Art and Science of Editing
  • Clarity is Key
  • Getting It Right: Accuracy and Verification in the Digital Age
  • Editing Everywhere All At Once: Writing for SEO, Social, Newsletters and More
  • Language Primer

Who should enroll

This final assessment is designed for participants in our Poynter/ACES introductory editing certification course. Please only take this assessment once you’ve completed the other courses in this certificate track.




  • Barbara Allen
    Director of College Programming
    Barbara Allen is the director of college programming. She spent most of her professional career working in local media and higher education before coming to...
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