FAQs about Poynter.org

We’ve listed some common questions about our website with answers below. If your question isn’t answered here, please e-mail us and we’ll respond as quickly as we can.

Do I have to register to comment?
You no longer have to register with Poynter.org to comment on one of our stories. You can log in to comment using Facebook Connect or a Disqus ID. We do suggest you use a real name and we require that you follow our feedback guidelines. If you do not, we may delete your comment and/or suspend your commenting privileges.

Is there any need to register with the site?
To apply for a seminar, purchase a product or subscribe to a newsletter, you will need to register. However, if you just want to comment, you can log in using Facebook Connect or Disqus.

What about my newsletters? Will I still get them?
If you subscribe to any of our active newsletters, you will still receive them. If you are not receiving newsletters and would like to, instructions for subscribing are here.

What happened to my personal page?

We can provide you with the data stored on your Poynter.org personal page, but the pages are no longer being created or published.

How can I reach Poynter?

Our street address is:
The Poynter Institute
801 Third St. South
St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

Our main phone number is: 727-821-9494

You can find contact information for individual faculty & staff here.


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